And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.
Matthew 1:21
It's a beautiful morning here, but it's going to be hot! I don't mind as long as the smoke stays away. We've been blessed that even though our air quality hasn't been good some days, the fires are not giving us the angst that I first anticipated. I'm actually going out to lunch today. It's my first day out of the house in about a month. Thankfully, I have Los Poblanos Organic Farm to deliver food to my door. I'm very thankful that the situation didn't get any worse here.
A quick update on the novel writing: I'm going through the manuscript slowly with the idea of taking out all the extra words I tend to put into my writing. And though I hate to admit it, I went through earlier and took out the contractions, only to realize that it was stiff and stilted, and so I'm putting them back. Please let me say that the books by Ken Follett, which I talked about in my last blog, are not fit for moral consumption. I just hadn't read enough reviews to share that at the time.
And one more thing to share with you are excerpts from The Intimate Jesus by F. LaGard Smith. I began reading this book a few days ago, and have been struck by the power of the gospels once again. Because we are in constant earshot of bad news and the way of the world, it's easy to forget how blessed we are. So here's an excerpt from a chapter on JOY with the hope that it affects you the same way it did me--opening my eyes anew to the blessings and JOY we have in Christ. Listen to LaGard:
Jesus' birth is also the fulfillment of a promise and a reminder that, even in our lives, God is faithful who has promised. When he promises us eternal life, we can rest assured that he has indeed prepared a place for us in the world to come. When he promises us a life of joy and peace on this earth, we can rest assured that, even in the rough times, there is in Christ a peace that passes all understanding. ~
The Christian who does not feel joy daily in his or her own life has missed the message of Jesus' birth. The carols we sing about his birth mean little if they do not bring into our lives the joy of reconciliation with God. And the celebration of the angels has a hollow ring if we fail to find joy in the living of life each day and in the simple sharing with our friends.
For those who DO know the true meaning of joy, life takes on purpose spiced with pleasure. How about us? Has happiness run its course in our lives? What a wonderful opportunity to embrace a little child and bring him into our hearts! Great joy awaits those who do.
I felt like putting these words in all caps, but I restrained myself. And, of course, what that means is that I needed this message. Perhaps it will lift you too.
Have a great week!