Today I want to share a recipe for breakfast from the French Women Don't Get Fat Cookbook written by Mireille Guiliano. Mireille loves yogurt and says it is her secret weapon. She makes her own (as I do), and so there are many recipes using yogurt in her new cookbook. However, the one I've been eating for a couple of weeks now is a favorite, and I want to give it to you.
Mireille says it's a slow, but sure way to lose ten pounds effortlessly in a summer. It will also help to drop pounds if you eat a normal, but modest lunch and dinner (soup or salad, fish, two vegetables, and fruit). Cutting out two offenders (like bread and desserts) could add up to substantial weight loss in a reasonable time. You tell me how well it works!
The recipe is called MAGICAL BREAKFAST CREAM (without cream). For 1 serving:
1/2 cup of yogurt (or ricotta, cottage cheese)
1 teaspoon flaxseed oil (or sesame oil, safflower oil)
1-2 tablespoons lemon juice (or orange juice, grapefruit juice)
1 teaspoon honey (or maple syrup--adjusting to your taste)
2 tablespoons finely ground cereal (such as shredded wheat, buckwheat, barley, oatmeal, or any cereal that contains no sugar, a key in this recipe)
2 teaspoons finely ground walnuts (or hazelnuts, almonds, pecans, pine nuts or any you like)
Mirelle's directions:
1. Put the yogurt in a bowl and add the oil. Mix well. Add the lemon juice and mix well. Add the honey and mix well. This makes a homogeneous preparation.
2. Finely grind the cereal and walnuts in a small food processor. Add to the yogurt mixture and mix well. Serve at once.
I use an organic instant oatmeal that I put in a bowl and pour lemon or orange juice over first to "cook" it. Then I add all the other ingredients. I usually add fruit as well.
I hope some of you will try this recipe and let me know how you like it.
Now for the CHALLENGE! I am asking all of you who will, to Google the term: "Rachel's Tomb." There will be pictures and information, both of which you should look at and read.
I would like to hear your responses to what you see and find out. Tomorrow I will tell you my story about finding this site and talk about Rachel's tomb.
Jamie, one of my granddaughters, is here visiting and we're enjoying being together.
Blessings to all of you!
I love your blog. It is so "you". All the pretty things. I want to follow it too. Also went to Quinlyn's blog. What a talented young lady. I can see why you love to be with her. Her dolls are so alive and real. I hope I am going to be able to get on here and follow it. I didn't understand what was said on Facebook, about having to have a blog of my own, (which I don't). If I have to set one up, please tell me and I will. Ray and Geoff can always help me.
ReplyDeleteA wonderful way to keep up with you and learn somethings along the way about finding happiness alone. (So far I hate it.) Being alone I mean.... love, Carolyn
Hi Carolyn! So nice to hear from you. Thank you for the kind comments. I really need the encouragement as I'm sometimes afraid it's too much ME. No you don't need your own blog and you have done the right thing. I will think about your situation (and mine) and write about it one day. Life is definitely a puzzle and I hope we can share some thoughts that will help us both. You have lots of good ones as well. Love you too...Meredie