In Chapter 5 of "Meeting God in Quiet Places" F. LaGard Smith compares the beauty underneath all the dirt, ivy, grass, weeds and brambles on an old stone wall after it is cleared, to uncovering gifts and talents--he calls them "gemstones of character"--within every person. We tend to be shallow when it comes to looking for treasures in other people.
When you see an old person--perhaps not even a very attractive old person--have you thought about what that old person might have learned in their life? When you think of the tales an old stone wall could tell, and as we say, "If only stones could talk," you might remember that old people are living stones that have a lot to say: not only have they seen it all, but they still have the ability to get back to basics and true values.
It's what I call my lifetime of learning, so that I can share wisdom with others. As I've said repeatedly: I enjoy being older because I have finally learned to do some things well. And I've learned not to try to run other people's lives. Yes, I fail sometimes, but I'm aware that I shouldn't do it, and back off sooner. Now I'm able to see "through" things and don't take them at face value.
And that's what LaGard is saying here: many people have trouble letting their inner beauty show. Circumstances beyond their control, such as child abuse, or an alcoholic parent, or an abused wife, who has spent most of her marriage trying to cope--all hide the inner beauty of people in your life. These people have a story to tell. I have a story to tell. You have a story to tell. Painful--yes. Scarring--yes. Blighting--yes. So blighting of your true value, that it's hidden beneath briars and brambles. Only One can uncover your true self.
Only Jesus can bring out your true beauty. It was something He specialized in. Whether Jesus was talking to a hated tax collector, a beggar, a cripple, or even a prostitute, each person was important, and each person had a story to tell. Each person had wounds to heal and sins to be forgiven. Shame--yes. Guilt--yes. But that is what Jesus came to do! He came to take away the guilt and sin. Jesus saw through their suffering to their penitent heart.
Once a person had been with Jesus, they were never the same. Not only was their body transformed, but their mind and spirit. Would they ever have a lapse in faith? Yes. Would they ever need to renew their faith and weed out the evil thoughts and deeds? Yes. But the difference would be that they would never again completely give in to the ways of the world. And now they knew where to turn for the reassurance to go on.
It's one thing to uncover an old stone wall. And while it's worth doing and is gratifying, think how much more wonderful it is to uncover the beauty that is hidden all around you! If you had the eyes of Jesus, you too could see the people around you with His eyes. You could touch the hearts of those who are forgotten, because their problems isolate them. It is just those people who need to feel a sense of belonging. It is just those people who want to feel useful and get a bit of encouragement from you. And many times, that is all they need to move on.
Then what happens? When you allow the love of Jesus to move through you to others, YOU are never the same. You will blossom as well! This beautiful hymn says it all:
Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me,
All His wonderful passion and purity;
May His Spirit divine all my being refine;
Let the beauty of Jeus be seen in me.
George L. Johnson
Will you see things in yourself that you must keep weeding out? Yes. But have you noticed a big difference since you took the time to clear out most of the debris? I believe you'll say YES!
The attention you give to your spiritual life makes a difference in the beauty that is seen by other people. And eventually by you, looking at yourself. Unlikely people can be shown to be so much more than you ever imagined. Look at unlikely people and see if you can uncover their story and their beauty. You'll be adding gems to your collection!
If you're feeling disconnected, it is simply your own lack at the moment. God is waiting for you to approach Him! He will reward you with His healing warmth.
This blog is dedicated to my grand-daughter-in-law, Jill, because she read the blog "Church Bells: Reminders of Holiness" and said she wanted to feel holier. I believe this blog will help her--and all of us--to do that.
Beautiful. Food for the soul. I found this blog through my love for Alexandra Stoddard.
ReplyDeleteI will be back.
Thank you, Anon. I've just seen this today and I've tried to post this comment several times and it hasn't taken. I'm so glad you're joining my blog. I haven't written much in a while because I'm writing a novel. I posted today--June 17--if you would like to read it. I appreciate your comment and love A.S. too. I have most of her books. I hope to hear from you again. And I hope you see this.