Where sin increased, grace increased all the more. Roman 5:20
Is there anything more thoroughly satisfying than a snowfall? There is nothing which compares to the way it soothes and calms you, and changes the world you live in into a wonderland. In Chapter 6 of Meeting God in Quiet places, F. LaGard Smith compares a winter snowfall to the grace of God. The characteristics they share may surprise you.
Is there anything more thoroughly satisfying than a snowfall? There is nothing which compares to the way it soothes and calms you, and changes the world you live in into a wonderland. In Chapter 6 of Meeting God in Quiet places, F. LaGard Smith compares a winter snowfall to the grace of God. The characteristics they share may surprise you.
For one thing, both snow and grace are so much more than anything in our "normal" world. Snow seems magical as it softly falls, turning everything in sight to a perfection unknown before. Grace also feels magical, because it covers your sin--which is so dark and staining that you feel guilty and lost. Yes, you can be free of your guilty stain, because of God's promise: "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, the shall be like wool." The stark whiteness and cleanness of snow and wool represent God's grace.
David knew that only God's grace could help him, as he pleaded with God for forgiveness: "Wash me and I will be whiter than snow." He had his sin always before him, for he was guilty of not only adultery, but murder. How does one wash THAT sin away? Only God could make him as white as snow.
"Every valley shall be filled in, every mountain and hill made low. The crooked roads shall become straight, the rough ways smooth. And all mankind will see God's salvation." This is a prophecy from Isaiah that's repeated in the Gospels. It's telling you what happens because of God's grace: His love fills your emptiness and makes rough times smoother. Isn't that what we're all searching for...some way to make our lives easier?
You may be thinking of a sin you can't undo...a sin that still haunts you after months or years of regret. But that's what God's love is about...covering sins of the past...sins that can't be undone. That's what God's grace is about...it covers. No, not a cover-up, but true forgiveness. And it doesn't end there.
Amazingly, grace covers the brokenness your heart is feeling. In it's gentle caring way, grace protects you from more harm. And as if that isn't enough, grace gives you hope that you can walk with Christ on those snow-covered fields, while remaining as white as snow. With God's grace, you can stay out of the muck and mud that you were in and walk in a cleaner, smoother way.

These are beautiful word pictures of the way God's love and grace operate for your good. You only have to believe in His word: that he loves you so much He sent His only Son to die for you! It is the death of His Son which shows His love and provides His grace.
What blessings we have in Christ!
Best to you all...Mimi
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