The sheep wandering the fields of the Cotswolds may be curious or fearful or hungry, but they don't have our ability to love. The English poet William Blake asked the question, "Little Lamb, who made thee? Dost thou know who made thee?" You and I can answer that question...we know that sheep aren't aware of their Creator.
Other creatures--whether sheep, horses, cows, insects or birds--were not created in God's image. Animals don't contemplate life's purpose or nature's beauty. Nor do animals share our moral feelings, ranging from guilt to forgiveness. And even though animals are capable of responding to discipline and approval, they are without the moral dimension of the human heart. You won't see sheep falling in love and getting married, nor showing human emotions, such as hostility or hatred.
It was clear from the beginning that no creature made by God was suitable as a partner for Adam...not even close. Then God made Eve and only Eve caused Adam to say: "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh," confirming that Man--both male and female--is sublimely different from the rest of God's creation in both degree (as in some upwardly evolving progression) and kind.
And the whole point here is that being made in God's image means that we alone have a unique capacity for moral reflection and choice, a unique sense of aesthetics, and a unique ability to love. These human traits come all together: moral choice, aesthetic appreciation, and the ability to love. If we have one, we have all--they're packaged together! And no man or woman is without them, while animals have none of them. So for mankind, being created in the image of God means that we alone can reflect His image in a deeper, more spiritual sense.

Tomorrow I'll finish this lesson about loving our enemies. Meanwhile...have a wonderful weekend!
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